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When counselling individuals, Thea will call upon a number of different therapies according to the individual's needs. Some therapies Thea uses include:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Body Focussed Therapy
Person-Centred Therapy
Narrative Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Play Therapy
Face to face sessions available in Ballina Consulting room or Online
Thea understands the importance of tending to the emotional wellbeing and self-regulation of a child, adolescent or adult with a disability. Exploring how a person feels about their disability and how this affects their self esteem is an integral component of therapy
Thea can effectively assist:
Thea understands the importance of tending to the emotional wellbeing and self-regulation of a child, adolescent or adult with a disability. Exploring how a person feels about their disability and how this affects their self esteem is an integral component of therapy
Thea can effectively assist:
Face to face sessions available in Ballina Consulting Room or Online
Thea is a trained Family & Relationship Counsellor.
She is able to assist couples who may be struggling in their relationship and wish to better understand their partner and themselves.
Thea effectively facilitates family therapy to assist all family members to have a voice, be heard, understood and create healthy relationships with each
Thea is a trained Family & Relationship Counsellor.
She is able to assist couples who may be struggling in their relationship and wish to better understand their partner and themselves.
Thea effectively facilitates family therapy to assist all family members to have a voice, be heard, understood and create healthy relationships with each other
Face to face sessions available in Ballina Consulting Room or Online
Thea understands the benefits and power of sharing and connecting around common social issues.
Thea will be regularly running both online group counselling and face to face group counselling in Ballina.
Groups that are currently available:
Thea understands the benefits and power of sharing and connecting around common social issues.
Thea will be regularly running both online group counselling and face to face group counselling in Ballina.
Groups that are currently available:
See below for dates and more details about each group
Face to face sessions available in Ballina Consulting Room or Online
6-week group counselling program (with 2 individual sessions at intake and at the end of the program) targeting different audiences Each weekly session covers various issues connected to disability. All sessions will be 1 hour duration
Each group will have a maximum of 6. For groups for parents, I encou
6-week group counselling program (with 2 individual sessions at intake and at the end of the program) targeting different audiences Each weekly session covers various issues connected to disability. All sessions will be 1 hour duration
Each group will have a maximum of 6. For groups for parents, I encourage both parent’s attendance at each session (there is no additional charge for 2 parents), as there will be plenty of topics that can be further explored together after the session has finished. I welcome one parent attending as well – whatever works for your situation.
NDIS Funding
You may be eligible for NDIS to fund your participation in this program. To access counselling services under the NDIS, you must have the item 'Improved Daily Living' in your self-managed or plan managed plan. This group counselling program supports family’s needs that are a direct result of a child's developmental delay or disability, and that help families and sustainably maintains their caring role.
Session Format
I will be introducing each topic and impart my knowledge around these topic areas. I will be encouraging group sharing and discussion of your own personal experiences, as this is where connection and shared learning occurs, however, I am also mindful that this can be quite difficult for some, so there will be no pressure to contribute. My aim is to create a safe and trusting space for all
Intake session: An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Where it all began – pregnancy and birth: In Week 1,
Intake session: An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Where it all began – pregnancy and birth: In Week 1, we find out a bit about each other and what we are wanting from this 6-week program (I will have already discussed this with each individual parent at intake). We will spend this session exploring the beginning journey into the world of disability – the gamut of feelings attached to bringing your beautiful baby into the world
Week 2: Your child has a disability – exploring the flood of feelings that follow: In week 2, a space is created to explore the myriad of feelings that come when starting out on this journey – joy, elation, stress, anger, jealousy, guilt, fierce protection, frantic, unprepared – and many more. A mish mash of feelings that can all be felt in the same week, day, hour or even minute
Week 3: My dreams/hopes and aspirations for my child – shifting my perception: In week 3, we look at the dreams we may have held for our baby during pregnancy (or even before conception). We will explore these dreams, how they are the same or different and what it might mean to alter our futuristic hopes for our child.
Week 4: Nurturing the parental relationship: In week 4, we explore the impacts a child with a disability can have on the parental relationship. While parents navigate themselves through this myriad of feelings, they also must keep doing life, which may entail parenting their other children, attending to outside work commitments, coping with family and friend’s reactions to their child’s diagnosis and tending to their own partnership. And if they have no partner, doing all the above on their own! We discuss ways to support each other or ourselves.
Week 5: Siblings, grandparents, friends, and the broader community – It takes a village to raise a child: In week 5 we explore all the other influences that impact us and our new baby. Sibling feelings – and how to emotionally assist them, seeking out genuine unconditional support from family, friends and services whilst dealing with well-meaning but clumsy, awkward or hurtful reactions from the community.
Week 6: Juggling family’s needs: Week 6 is our last session together as a group. We use this session to explore the concept of placing our own oxygen mark on before we tend to those around us. It's such a rollercoaster time, and a time when parents are newly introduced to a brand-new world – the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), therapies, therapists, resources, equipment, new terminologies, and early intervention – and somewhere in all that – we need to look after ourselves – to alleviate our own and children’s stress. We discuss strategies to achieve this.
Individual follow up session:
A time to discuss your own experience of the group and what outcomes and awareness you have achieved. This is a time to reflect on ‘where to from here – and what do I need to stay emotionally well and available to my family.
Cost: $624.00 *Pricing is in line with NDIS price guidelines and subject to change.
Intake session/service agreement
6 1-hour sessions @ $26 per session
1 hour report of counselling outcomes
1 hour individual follow up with parents
Please note that if a NDIS report is required this will incur an additional cost of $312.00 (2 hours)
To register your interest in this counselling program, please email me at and I will send you a registration form. Or simply contact me on 02 5602 5115 and I can answer any questions you may have
Intake session: An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1 – Stepping out into the world – pre-school: In week 1, we
Intake session: An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1 – Stepping out into the world – pre-school: In week 1, we find out a bit about each other and what we are wanting from this 6-week program (I will have already discussed this with each individual parent at intake). We will spend this session exploring what it is like to ‘let go of the reigns’ and support our child as they learn to grow and learn with others. This is a time for a child to try new things, fail and try again. We discuss how we can nurture our children through the frustrations of ‘just not getting it’ and how to grow personal autonomy.
Week 2 – Sharing your child’s world with others – the pro’s and cons of letting go (a bit): In week 2, we explore the different relationships and experiences your child is getting from school. We discuss ways that we can encourage our children to stretch themselves, seek and grow friendships and build trust and rapport with the helping adults in their life. We explore what it means for us as parents, to let go a bit during this time.
Week 3 – I don’t do what they do – how to assist when our child compares themselves to others: As children journey through their primary schooling, they are also observing others and their accomplishments. It is around seven to twelve years, that children begin to compare themselves against their peers. A strong sense of self will really assist a child throughout this time. In Week 3 we discuss how to assist children to focus on personal achievements and goals, rather than looking out, look within. We discuss how to have meaningful discussions around diversity and uniqueness. And, to understand that no matter how much you remind your child of their greatness, it can be hard not to fall into the trap of comparison. We talk about sitting with, and allowing our child to express ‘uncomfortable’ feelings
Week 4 – Failure is good – it leads to personal autonomy: When children try something, and fail, and try again, children are learning the concept of personal empowerment. In week 4, we discuss the topic of encouragement and praise as our child learns new skills and accomplishments. And we touch on ‘over-praising’ and how this can have a detrimental impact on healthy growth and development. We explore what it’s like to hold back whilst your child learns new feats, and explore what is the right ‘dose of praise’.
Week 5 – How to realistically promote a ‘can-do’ attitude: In Week 5, we continue our exploration around praise and support. Children (and adults) respond well to praise. We feel acknowledged. We feel that someone is noticing us and what we are doing. Children are being seen by the adults in their lives and that is a great motivator to keep trying to be the best they can be. We also discuss the potential pitfalls that may occur when we are encouraging our children. And that through our words, our child begins to form their identity.
Week 6 – What does true inclusion mean?: In week 6 we ponder on what inclusion means for our child. We live in a culture that embraces diversity and inclusion, however every day we see ‘us’ and ‘them’ mentality play out somewhere. What then, does it mean for a child to feel truly included, part of a group or tribe. And does it mean different things to different people?
Individual follow up session:
A time to discuss your own experience of the group and what outcomes and awareness you have achieved. This is a time to reflect on ‘where to from here – and what do I need to stay emotionally well and available to my family.
Cost: $624.00 *Pricing is in line with NDIS price guidelines and subject to change.
Intake session/service agreement
6 1-hour sessions @ $26 per session
1 hour report of counselling outcomes
1 hour individual follow up with parents
Please note that if a NDIS report is required this will incur an additional cost of $312.00 (2 hours)
To register your interest in this counselling program, please email me at and I will send you a registration form. Or simply contact me on 02 5602 5115 and I can answer any questions you may have
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Friends influence trumps parent’s influence – facing a hard
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Friends influence trumps parent’s influence – facing a hard fact! : In week 1, we find out a bit about each other and what we are wanting from this 6-week program (I will have already discussed this with each individual parent at intake). In this session, we discuss peer influences – and how to assist your teen to ‘hold onto themselves’ and create healthy boundaries as they navigate relationships
Week 2: Let’s talk about sex – and puberty – and healthy boundaries:
In week 2, we delve into the explosive time of puberty. We discuss what our teen needs during this time. We also discuss attraction, and being attractive, and creating healthy boundaries around touching and being touched
Week 3: When your teen is bullied: It can be so hard for a parent to hear their child’s pain when your teen tells you that someone was mean to them, said cruel comments or wouldn’t let them join their friendship group or game. We discuss the feelings that emerge for us as parents when this happens and ways to allow and encourage your child to process their hurt feelings.
Week 4: Depression, anxiety, and self-hatred – why can’t I be just the same as everyone else? In week 4, we explore depression, anxiety, and self-hatred. As hard as we try as parents to support and nurture our teens, many children, teens, and adults with disabilities will experience these feelings, statistically more so than people without disabilities. In this session, we discuss communication and support strategies to assist teens experiencing mental health issues.
Week 5: To praise or not to praise? – that is the question: When children are younger, they thrive on praise. A teen developmentally is starting to ‘pull away’ from their safe family nest and will be exploring their own identity. It is quite typical that praise from parents may be rejected. In this session, we discuss what teen rejection feels like, and how we can keep being our teen’s cheer leader without humiliating them!
Week 6: Being the lighthouse: In our last session together, we will be discussing the various ways that we can continue being the beacon of light and safety for our teens as they begin to explore their identity and where they fit into the world
Individual follow up session:
A time to discuss your own experience of the group and what outcomes and awareness you have achieved. This is a time to reflect on ‘where to from here – and what do I need to stay emotionally well and available to my family
Cost: $624.00 *Pricing is in line with NDIS price guidelines and subject to change.
Intake session/service agreement
6 1-hour sessions @ $26 per session
1 hour report of counselling outcomes
1 hour individual follow up with parents
Please note that if a NDIS report is required this will incur an additional cost of $312.00 (2 hours)
To register your interest in this counselling program, please email me at and I will send you a registration form. Or simply contact me on 02 5602 5115 and I can answer any questions you may have
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Why do we all try to be the same – when we’re different:
In w
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Why do we all try to be the same – when we’re different:
In week 2, we try to make sense of wanting to just be the same as everyone else and facing the truth that we are all different.
Week 2: What to do when I’m hurting: We all try to avoid feelings that hurt us, but unfortunately no one is immune. There are some days that you really wonder how you will get through – and may think that you are the only one feeling this way. We explore hurt and pain – and how we all have bad days - and what we can do to just get through it.
Week 3: Depression, anxiety, and self-hatred – it’s just got to be talked about: In week 4, we explore mental health issues, that often come about when we don’t know what to do with our hurt feelings (see last week), so we give ourselves a hard time and dig a deep hole for ourselves. We discuss ways to pull ourselves out when we start to go under.
Week 4: Dating and attraction: In week 1, we find out a bit about each other and what we are wanting from this 6-week program (I will have already discussed this with everyone at intake). In this session, we explore the excitement and embarrassment of being attracted to others. We discuss communication strategies that will help us build relationships, and things best avoided!
Week 5: Making sense of who I am: This is a big concept to tackle in an hour, but in this session, we start to explore how we see ourselves, and who we want to be – without thinking of how others want us to be
Week 6: Being different is ok – what this really means: Everyone is unique and everyone has different strengths and abilities – all these phrases are great to say – but how do I really believe it? We start that discussion in this last session together
Individual follow up session:
A time to discuss your own experience of the group and what outcomes and awareness you have achieved. This is a time to reflect on ‘where to from here – and what do I need to stay ok being me
Cost: $624.00 *Pricing is in line with NDIS price guidelines and subject to change.
Intake session/service agreement
6 1-hour sessions @ $26 per session
1 hour report of counselling outcomes
1 hour individual follow up with parents
Please note that if a NDIS report is required this will incur an additional cost of $312.00 (2 hours)
1stMarch 2023 @ 4 – 5pm
To register your interest in this counselling program, please email me at and I will send you a registration form. Or simply contact me on 02 5602 5115 and I can answer any questions you may have
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Relationships: In week 1, we find out a bit about each oth
Intake session –An individual session where I will go through an intake form with you, discuss your goals, outcomes and what you are wanting in the group. I will also discuss the NDIS service agreement with you at this time if you will be using NDIS funding.
Week 1: Relationships: In week 1, we find out a bit about each other and what we are wanting from this 6-week program (I will have already discussed this with everyone individually at intake). In this session, we discuss relationships – friendships, partners – what is working and what’s not when it comes to connecting with others.
Week 2: My life path – is it working for me: In week 2, we discuss our current direction in life. We explore what is showing us that we are on track, and what we might need to do if we are off the path altogether. We discuss the things that really light our fire!
Week 3: Where do I fit? This is a question many people ask themselves, let alone people with disabilities who are living in a culture that has an able-bodied mindset. In this hour, we start to look at the openings and the barriers to fitting in, and whether not fitting in has its benefits
Week 4: Depression, anxiety, and self-hatred: In week 4, we explore depression, anxiety, and self-hatred. Many people with disabilities will battle with mental health issues. Many reasons why – feeling on the outside, being in pain, being different, feeling limited in choices in life, not having anyone who really gets it. In this session, we explore mental health and what we need when we are in emotional pain.
Week 5: What’s helpful – and what’s not: In this session we get to share all the things that well meaning people say or do that might be helpful or can make us feel humiliated and ashamed. Some actions by others, however well meaning, is just plain patronising. We explore ways that we can build ourselves up when we are faced with ignorance.
Week 6: Where’s my tribe: In our last session together, we will be discussing how to grow or strengthen a connection with the people you want in your life – your tribe.
Individual follow up session: A time to discuss your own experience of the group and what outcomes and awareness you have achieved. This is a time to reflect on ‘where to from here – and what do I need to stay connected to myself and others.
Cost: $624.00 *Pricing is in line with NDIS price guidelines and subject to change.
Intake session/service agreement
6 1-hour sessions @ $26 per session
1 hour report of counselling outcomes
1 hour individual follow up with parents
Please note that if a NDIS report is required this will incur an additional cost of $312.00 (2 hours)
To register your interest in this counselling program, please email me at and I will send you a registration form. Or simply contact me on 02 5602 5115 and I can answer any questions you may have
If you have any questions or would like to book in your initial session, don't hesitate to get in touch.
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